Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recipe for a happy home

So tonight's post is a recipe for a happy home. I have been giving this much thought. I also used the good ole Google because I could not remember exactly how it went. And although everyone has ups and downs in their relationship, remember the following recipe. And one more thing, never, ever go to sleep angry at the one you love. One or both of you may need space after an argument or fight or whatever is going on but please never, ever go to sleep angry--make up before going to sleep!

I don't think there is a couple out there that had more arguments than Rick and I -- I could of course be wrong about that. (I would hate to be the couple that did though LOL!) And sometimes those were worse than others. Just know all in all, we were happy together. We were. And we did go to sleep mad at each other more than once. He always needed space, I needed to "fix it" right away. That was a bit difficult sometimes. But at the end of it all, if I could do it all over again with him I would. No tears at all with this, none. I promise. This is not supposed to be that way! :)

Happy Home


4 parts Faith
4 cups of Love
1 barrel Laughter
3 cups Forgiveness
1 cup Friendship
2 cups Loyalty
2 spoons Tenderness
5 spoons Hope


Mix the Love and the Loyalty with Faith.
Add Tenderness and Forgiveness.
Sprinkle with Friendship and Hope.
Season abundantly with Laughter.
Bake with rays of the Son.
Serve with Generosity.

Remember the second to last line there. After Rick was saved in his garden rarely was there the argument that necessitated making up before going to sleep.

I love y'all.

To be continued................

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