Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I love Fiesta Dinnerware!

So I know this is 'My Favorite Recipes' but presentation is also a consideration. In the country we don't always think about presentation- we just cook it and serve it up. But if you think about it, growing up do you have a memory of a special dish, cup or plate? I have a few! One is "the jello bowl" - mom made jello and cake most Sundays (the only day we had dessert) and I got to stir the jello! She used her bowl that had been her mothers. Back then I didn't consider what kind of bowl it was. Didn't know what Fiesta was. Here is a picture of that bowl. 
You can't buy a new Fiesta bowl this size. When I first started collecting Fiesta in the 1980's you couldn't. It wasn't until after our house burned and I started replacing my Fiesta that I realized what kind of bowl the jello bowl was/is!  Some day it will be my yellow bowl! Sorry Jeffrey! (My nephew and his wife also collect and use Fiesta!) 

I have a piece of Fiesta from several colors. A lot of my pieces are discontinued now. Some things don't come in those older colors like I don't have a periwinkle or rose gusto bowl. There is nothing like curling up on a cold winter evening with a gusto bowl full if hit homemade beef stew, chili or soup! Or sitting on the porch on crisp mornings with a hot cup of coffee!
And isn't this French toast beautiful on this Fiesta buffet plate?! 
Well, I think it is! 

I guess this is about all for today! Y'all have a blessed day! 
I love all y'all!❤
To be continued....

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